Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The name of Jesus

Matthew 10:32 (ESV)
32 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven:

As Christians it is our duty to confess Jesus Christ before men. We should not be ashamed of our relationship with Jesus, our expectations of Jesus or our faith in Jesus. Through our words the name of Jesus Christ is glorified and we edify others by teaching them about Christ. However our stance for Jesus is not without exposure to the rejection Christ received. We too may be rejected, but the rejection is not of our fault or making, but of man who does not understand the love of God and Christ. When we acknowledge Christ before men, Christ acknowledges us before God in heaven.

Many of you are probably aware the famous singer Whitney Houston passed away. She had a beautiful voice that was loved by many. Whitney grew up in a Christian church where she learned about the love, the grace and the mercy God offers through Jesus Christ. Speaking to Oprah, Oprah asked Whitney, “Who do you love?” and Whitney responded, “The Lord!” The last song Whitney sang in public as a spontaneous act was, “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” Whitney loved The Lord. Whitney acknowledged Jesus. But we know too that Whitney struggled in life and occasionally fell to the temptations of addiction. It is during a fall away from Christ we are less likely to speak the name of Jesus because we fear bringing discredit to our Lord and to ourselves. So it is for that reason we must always keep Jesus close, avoid temptation and do what is right in His eyes.

Whitney’s death did not go without purpose. On Saturday for four hours her funeral was covered by national news networks. For four hours praise was lifted up to God and Christ as the life of Whitney was honored. For a period of time the actor, playwright, director, producer and songwriter Tyler Perry stood before a congregation of people and boldly spoke about the love of Jesus Christ and how it was present in Whitney’s life. Tyler was not ashamed speak about Jesus. Others sang beautiful songs that glorified Christ and God. As a remembrance to the last song Whitney sang, “Jesus loves me this I know” was sang to a nation of viewers.

One of Whitney’s songs was, “I will always love you.” Jesus Christ is always calling out to you saying that He will always love you. Are you showing your love to Jesus by telling others about Him and speaking His name proudly?

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