Tuesday, May 6, 2014

At just the right time.

Romans 5:6 (NIV)
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

The world was in a sad condition, unable to break away from the sin that held everyone. So at just the right time God brought salvation to the world through Jesus Christ. Matthew Henry wrote, God's time to help and save is when those that are to be saved are without strength, that his own power and grace may be the more magnified.

I learned to cook at an early age. My mom was single and she usually worked late hours. If my brother and I intended to eat we usually had to cook a meal ourselves. So early on in life I learned about cooking; not just popping a TV dinner in the oven, but real cooking. 

There were a couple of important lessons I learned. Ingredients had to be put together just right or the results might not turn out as predicted. Also, when food was baked in the over there was a proper temperature and amount of time the food had to cook. So if the mix of ingredients wasn’t right, and the environment or temperature was not right things didn’t turn out so well.

Life is a lot like cooking. You also need to plan on having the right things available to make life enjoyable. There needs to be a suitable environment that people can live in. We need to raise families without trying to rush or short-cut the things we need to do. So everything needs to be done in the right time. We don’t want to start too early or wait too late on certain events. There is a right time for everything.

God knew that when He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world. He waited for the right environment, the right mix of people, and the right time to reveal His plan of salvation to the world. God always had us on His mind, planning and waiting for the right day.

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