Romans 12:10 (NIV)
10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another
above yourselves.
It properly denotes the love of parents to their
children, which, as it is the most tender, so it is the most natural, of any,
unforced, unconstrained; such must our love be to one another, and such it will
be where there is a new nature and the law of love is written in the heart.
[Matthew Henry]
Gordon MacDonald shares the following story about
visiting a small group of men and women affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.
MacDonald said that he visited the group because he has friends who are
recovering alcoholics and he wanted to see for himself what they were talking
about. Here's what he found:
One morning Kathy—I guessed her age at 35—joined us for
the first time. One look at her face caused me to conclude that she must have
been Hollywood-beautiful at 21. Now her face was swollen, her eyes red, her
teeth rotting. Her hair looked unwashed, uncombed for who knows how long.
"I've been in five states in the past month,"
she said. "I've slept under bridges on several nights. Been arrested.
Raped. Robbed (now weeping). I don't know what to do. I … don't … want … to …
be … homeless … any more. But (sob) I can't stop drinking (sob). I can't stop
(sob). I can't … "
Next to Kathy was a rather large woman, Marilyn, sober
for more than a dozen years. She reached with both arms toward Kathy and pulled
her close, so close that Kathy's face was pressed to Marilyn's ample breast. I
was close enough to hear Marilyn speak quietly into Kathy's ear, "Honey,
you're going to be OK. You're with us now. We can deal with this together. All
you have to do is keep coming. Hear me? Keep on coming." And then Marilyn
kissed the top of Kathy's head.
I was awestruck. The simple words, the affection, the
tenderness. How Jesus-like. I couldn't avoid a troubling question that morning.
Could this have happened in the places where I have worshiped? Would there have
been a space in the program for Kathy to tell her story? Would there have been
a Marilyn to respond in this way?
It take love and honor to put others first, letting them
know you care for them and will be there with them through the struggles. May
you be like Marilyn who reaches out to the Kathy’s of the world.
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