Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gospel of Christ

Galatians 1:6-7 (NLT)
6 I am shocked that you are turning away so soon from God, who called you to himself through the loving mercy of Christ. You are following a different way that pretends to be the Good News 7 but is not the Good News at all. You are being fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth concerning Christ.

The apostle Paul writes to the Galatians saying they have allowed the truth about God’s salvation to become twisted. What was the Good News of mercy and grace through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was being put aside for Jewish law. Where Christ sets us free from the law, there were those in the church insisting the law should be mingled in with the doctrine of Christ, which added back the guilt and shame always reflected by the law. Paul refers to it as another way of justification and salvation different from the Gospel of Christ.

I believe a person who becomes a Christian is always a Christian. The Bible tells us that it is faith in God and Christ that saves us from sin. It goes on to say there are no good works we can do on our own to save us from the judgment of sin. Christ became the propitiation for sin, justifying those who believe in Him once and for all. To give an example, let us assume without Christ God’s requirement of holiness and righteousness should be equal to His. If God’s holiness and righteousness is 100%, where does everyone else fall on the scale? I can guarantee without a doubt there is no one on this earth who would measure 100%. Some will be at the 10% mark, maybe some at the 25% mark, but no one can say they are without sin. Therefore we all have sin in our lives, varying degrees for various people, but there is no one without sin. There is no one who can live up to God’s standard so God allowed His Son Jesus to be sacrificed to atone for the sin of man. Through faith in Christ we have forgiveness from sin and we are able to enter into God’s presence. Now with acceptance of Christ there begins a change, a desire to move away from sin. But sin still remains in the world, always tempting, always trying to cause a person to feel shame and guilt for their actions. For if sin can pull a person away from their relationship with God and Christ it has marked a victory. Therefore understand when you place your faith in Christ you will still be tempted to sin, but Christ will always be there reminding you that you are forgiven and that you do not have to give into sin, not linger on the shame and guilt if you do. Instead confess your sin and let God forgive, grant you mercy and love on you with all His heart.

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