Friday, October 12, 2012

A kind word

Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)
25 Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

The consequence of worry is a heaviness that is felt in the heart. It is a burdensome load of care, fear, and sorrow pressing down and making life disabling. It can sink a person and lead them to a state of depression where they are rendered hopeless. Those inclined to worry should keep watch for worry and pray against it. A delightful remedy is a good word from God. This good word can come directly from God, through His word or through another whose heart seeks to do God’s will by showing love and cheer to another.


There is a story I enjoy sharing from time to time which helps me remember to be encouraging to others, to let them know I care and I am willing to listen. I was working out of town and it was time for dinner so I walked down the street looking for a place to eat. I saw a place I had always wanted to try so I went inside, but the restaurant was very busy. I was asked if I would mind sitting at the bar where I could order my meal. I saw the line of people waiting and I said sure, would be glad to.

There were a few empty spots and next to where I was placed was an almost empty beer glass. When the waiter took the order for my meal he removed the glass and what was left of the beer. Seconds later a man walked back and noticed the glass was gone. He started complaining to the bartender he had just stepped away to the restroom and wanted to know where his beer went. After a few exchanges of words the bartender said, “I’ll give you another glass on the house”, this calmed the gentleman.

As the bartender went to get him a fresh beer I looked over and said, “It sounds like you have had a difficult day.” The response was, “Man you just don’t know!”  So I said, “Well I’ll be glad to listen.” So the man started telling me how he was worried about looking for a job. He had been in jail for a short period and now no one wanted to hire him. So I tried to be encouraging that a job would come along. Then I asked, “Do you have a church you attend?”  The man answered, “I have been going with my grandmother since I got out of jail. When I was in jail a minister came in and told me about Jesus and I was saved. I haven’t learned much yet about The Bible, but I’m trying to read some. My grandmother is a Christian lady and she is helping me out right now.” I said, “It seems like you have a very caring grandmother.” He told me she was very caring and knew some people in the church who might be able to get him a job. I asked if he had pursued that opportunity and he said no. Then I told him it sounded like his grandmother was willing to help him and willing to help him find a job through the church. I said, “It must be really encouraging to know someone like her loves you” to which he said “Yes!” Then I said, “You know Jesus also loves you and wants the best for you and I’m sure with His help and your grandmother you will do ok.”

With those words said the man looked at me and said, “God sent you to talk to me today. I’m going home right now to talk to my grandmother. Maybe she can help me find a job. I’m willing to do anything.” I said it sounded like a great plan. With that he got up, thanked me again and walked out of the restaurant. Still sitting there was the full beer glass he first complained about.

The man thought the beer was going to solve his issues when what he needed was some encouragement, some understanding, and words of good cheer. May God be with those who need a kind word in their life. May God lift the burdens of your heart.

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